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Old traditions still apply. Seek the depths to rip open the sky. The adversary knew what he was talking about. See heaven and see hell. Look closely. It was not built on thin air, you know. Who carries the pillars of heaven on their shoulders? And remember that those who've been to hell, know how to take the mirror by force. Rip it open, for god's sake. Lay waste to the lands of Elysia. Burn down the clouds and rape the angels. Take it, make it yours. Hosannas in extremis. And be assured, their cries will bleach your soul. They will melt the last spot of guilt. Oh, and don't forget to apologise when you're done. It is always advantageous to be polite, even to celestial creatures. Even when they did nothing to deserve it.

Take feathers from their wings and wear them behind your ears. A bientot, mates. Ciao belli.
Leave them to their misery. They will never understand. They will never understand what it means to be an outcast by choice. A creature of hell for pleasure's sake. They will never understand. And for that they are blessed and we are doomed. Which is just as it should be.
Can you hear them? They cry like infants. Pure and untainted cries like torn silk. "Why, why, oh why". The answer never changes. Because we don't like you. You're not even worth our hate. Because when you could have had us, you rejected us. Silently turned us down. Ignored us. We were not good enough. And as I said, the old traditions still apply. If you're unfit to fight for good, you fight for evil. Because we can't help fighting, it's our nature. At a certain point we just have to choose sides.

There is so much more you could say. Don't bother, don't go wasting your emotion. They will never ever understand what it means to be us.

But we know what it means to be them. And that's why we fear them more than anything.