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Conversations I

"I don't like you. Go away."
"Is that a way to greet a good friend?"
"You're not my friend."
"True. I am much more."
"Yes. I still don't like you though. What do you want from me?"
"Just passing by. Coincidence."
"Have you been following me?"
"You're a liar."
"Of course. You knew that."
"Yes. I know that."
"Someone has to keep an eye on you. Make sure you're ok."
"I'm not ok."
"I noticed. What is this?"
"I call it the vulnerable phase."
"You're a smart ass, you know that? You think you can control something simply by giving it a name. Like that would take away the scary part. You're so naive sometimes, Uriel."
"What is this now?"
"A knife."
"I can see that. What do you want with it? You know you can't hurt me."
"I just need to scratch myself. Need to scratch myself real bad."
"Uriel. Calm down. Don't do this. You don't need a knife."
"I said real bad..."
"Uriel don't..."
"I want it to stop. I need to scratch it away. Need to cut it away. But it's nowhere on my skin. Couldn't find the spot. But I know now. It's inside me. I need to scratch inside..."
"Mate, cool down. You're going to hurt yourself."
"As long as the itching stops. I can't sleep, you know. Can't think, can't dream. Can't destroy the world because it's inside me. It's not anything I can fight against or run away from. It's in me. It eats me from inside. It's ok though. It is now. I just need to scratch myself..."
"It won't work. It won't help you."
"How do you know?"
"I just know."
"All right, all right. I needed to say something, didn't I? I had to try."
"Yeah. Thanks. I appreciate it."
"You're welcome. So. You need to scratch yourself, hm?"
"I should probably go then. Sounds like the kind of thing you do alone. Like eh... shaving your legs or something."
"Something like that I guess."
"There really isn't anything I can do, is there?"
"Ok. You take care, hm?"
"I'll try. Can't promise though."
"Didn't expect you to. I hope we'll meet again, mate. Was good seeing you."
"Likewise, Satachrist. Stop by any time."
"Whenever you need me, my friend. Whenever you call. Bye."